Added perspective correct alt water-cliffs

Both the free and paid version of Aesthetic pack 1 have received an update that includes water-cliffs that fit the perspective of the rest of the map much better. The intention behind the original cliffs was to have everything be consistent for gameplay purposes as some programs (like RPG maker or Pixel Game Maker MV) don't allow you to dynamically adjust the wallsize for tilesets. But if you are using a much more advanced program these new cliffs will match the rest of the map much better.

The water-cliffs comes as a separate file, you can simply copy and paste if over the original cliff assets to switch over!

Expect an update to the water cliffs for the Cave tileset in Aesthetic pack 3 in the future!

Pre-update adjustment: Updated it further to resolve better with the animated tiles


Aesthetic Pack 1.rar 1 MB
Aug 05, 2023
Aesthetic pack base set (Free).rar 186 kB
Aug 05, 2023

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Hey, thanks for taking my feedback into consideration and bring us an update! Really appreciate this. I hurts me to say this but i still think it looks wrong considering the perspective. In my opinion you would not be able to even see a ladder at the bottom. I made a quick mockup to demonstrate what i mean. 

So using the default cliff-faces in the pack can give you that same effect!

Oh, did not know this is possible, thank you! Yeah, this looks nearly perfect. I see that the transition when both styles meet is a bit off but i think i can fix  that myself. Keep up your great work! Are these tilesets from a game you worked on?

The first few packs were assets from an old project that didn’t work out, but pack 3  and everything after that is something I made recently just for itch