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A downloadable asset pack

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This asset pack comes with the following:

--7 unique critters to help liven up your environments!--

-3 unique Dog breeds- 

-4 Cat variants-

-2 Hermit Crabs variants-

-2 Piggy  variants-

-4 Birds variants-

-6 Butterfly variants -

-2 Rat variants-

-spritesheets come in 18x18 and 32x32-

Each critter comes with a walking animation as well as a few idle behaviour animations (Cats cleaning their paw, Birds chirping and pecking for worms, Hermit-crabs pinching and hiding in their shells, ext.) 

-Any purchased assets can be modified freely and used commercially, credit is appreciated but not required!-

Update 1!

-Added 3 unique dog breeds! Each with a 3-frame walk cycle

-Updated the cover art for the pack

-Fixed issue with some sheets not having a transparency layer


If you like what you see be sure to give me a rating, it goes a long way! I’m also open to suggestions and will be releasing more asset packs in the future, So keep your eyes peeled! Also check out my main page for updates on my current project and other asset packs:



Get this asset pack and 6 more for $12.00 USD
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$4.00 $2.40 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.40 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Animal Pack 1.rar 162 kB
Animal Pack 163 kB

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I love uuuu

could you upload a zip for this pack?


Yeah NP, done

really loving these new aesthetic packs you are making! 

(1 edit)

Thanks you! I’m glad you like them:>